I completed my Master of Technology in Computer Science form the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Patna (IITP), in 2018 With a CGPA of 9.61 and a rank #1. I worked as a research scholar at the same department for 2 years before quiting in July 2020. I am currently on a sabbatical and looking for Machine Learning based jobs.
Before pursuing masters, I worked as a Software Engineer at Persistent Systems for 2.5 years, primarily as a backend developer on cloud security outsourced project Palerra. Here, I got a chance to explore Big Data tools like Hadoop and NoSQL databases like Cassandra.
I completed my B.E in Information Technology from Savitribai Phule Pune University, formerly University of Pune. For my final year engineering project, I attempted to develop a question answering natural language interface to a SQL database.
Joint Localization and Radio Map Generation using Transformer Networks with Limited RSS Samples
Ankur Pandey, Ryan Sequeira, Sudhir Kumar, (2021). In the proceedings of 2021 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops) . doi: 10.1109/ICCWorkshops50388.2021.9473553
SELE: RSS Based Siamese Embedding Location Estimator for a Dynamic IoT Environment
Ankur Pandey, Ryan Sequeira, Sudhir Kumar, (2021). IEEE Internet of Things Journal . doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2021.3098356
A Large-Scale Study of the Twitter Follower Network to Characterize the Spread of Prescription Drug Abuse Tweets
Ryan Sequeria, Avijit Gayen, Niloy Ganguly, Sourav Dandapat, Joydeep Chandra, (2019). IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems , 6. doi: 10.1109/TCSS.2019.2943238
A Multistage Deep Residual Network for Biomedical Cyber-Physical Systems
Ankur Pandey, Ryan Sequeria, Preetam Kumar, Sudhir Kumar, (2019). IEEE Systems Journal , 14. doi: 10.1109/JSYST.2019.2923670
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Shalini Priya, Ryan Sequeria, Joydeep Chandra, Sourav Dandapat, (2019). Online Social Networks and Media , 9. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.osnem.2018.11.001